“In the Same Space” By C. P. Cavafy (Greece)

抄寫:林曉晴(崇音樂4)攝影:方嘉誼 (崇英教4)
“In the Same Space” By C. P. Cavafy (Greece)
Translated by Rae Dalven

The surroundings of the house, centers, neighborhoods
which I see and where I walk; for years and years.

I have created you in joy and in sorrows:
Out of so many circumstances, out of so many things.

You have become all feeling for me.

“In the Same Space” By C. P. Cavafy (Greece) “In the Same Space” By C. P. Cavafy (Greece) Reviewed by 書寫力量 The Power of Words on 1月 18, 2016 Rating: 5

